ARCHIVED  July 18, 2008

Community Foundation to host business mistakes seminar

FORT COLLINS – The Community Foundation of Northern Colorado will host “Top 10 Mistakes Business Owners Make” during a lunch-and-learn seminar set for July 25.

The seminar will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the foundation’s office, 4745 Wheaton Drive, Suite 100, in Fort Collins. The program has been approved for two hours of continuing education credit by the Colorado Division of Insurance. Presenters will be Peter B. Scott and Jon-Mark C. Patterson, Patterson Tabert Law Offices.

A $45 registration fee includes course materials, lunch and refreshments. Enrollment is limited to 20 participants and the deadline to register is July 22.       

To register, visit For more information, call 970-224-3462.

FORT COLLINS – The Community Foundation of Northern Colorado will host “Top 10 Mistakes Business Owners Make” during a lunch-and-learn seminar set for July 25.

The seminar will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the foundation’s office, 4745 Wheaton Drive, Suite 100, in Fort Collins. The program has been approved for two hours of continuing education credit by the Colorado Division of Insurance. Presenters will be Peter B. Scott and Jon-Mark C. Patterson, Patterson Tabert Law Offices.

A $45 registration fee includes course materials, lunch and refreshments. Enrollment is limited to 20 participants and the deadline to register is…

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