ARCHIVED  April 1, 1996

Midterm status of bills updated

Just past the midway point of the 60th session of Colorado’s General Assembly, here’s an update on some of the bills introduced to the Senate and House that could affect Colorado businesses.

Senate Bills

Health Care Coverage Cooperative, SB 96-25, sponsored by Sen. Mike Coffman, R-Aurora, and Foster, is in the House Health, Environment, Welfare and Institutions Committee.

Registration of Subdivision Developers, SB 96-32, introduced by Sen. Stan Matsunaka, D-Loveland, and Rep. Ron May, R-Colorado Springs, is in the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee.


Credit Union Operations, SB 96-56, sponsored by Sen. Mutzebaugh and Rep. Paul D. Schauer, R-Littleton, passed through the Senate unamended and is now in the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

Enterprise Zones, SB 96-60, by Sen. Doug Linkhart, D-Denver, and Rep. Schwarz, hasn’t moved after being assigned to the Senate Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

Provision of Intrastate Air Service, SB 96-81, by Sen. Norton and Rep. Foster, was referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Legislative Economic Impact Statements, SB 96-91, by Sen. Feeley and Rep. Gloria Leyba, D-Denver, was referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee Feb. 2.

Minimum Fair Wages, SB 96-99, by Sen. Bill Thiebaut, D-Pueblo, was postponed indefinitely after being assigned to the Senate State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee.

Resales by Motor Vehicle Buyer Agents, SB 96-111, by Sen. Sally Hopper, R-Golden, and Rep. Shirleen Tucker, R-Lakewood, passed through the Senate and was assigned to the Transportation Committee in the House.

Natural Gas Transportation Report, SB 96-138, sponsored by Sen. Feeley and Rep. Foster, passed through the Senate and is now in the House Appropriations Committee.

Electric Service Requirements, SB 96-147, by Sen. Feeley and Rep. Anderson, was passed by the Senate and assigned to the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee where it was postponed indefinitely.

Water Conservation Board Construction Fund, SB 96-153, sponsored by Sen. Tilman Bishop, R-Denver, and Rep. Lewis H. Entz, R-Hooper, passed through the Senate and was assigned to the House Agriculture, Natural Resurces and Energy Committee.

Property Tax — Agricultural Class, SB 96-157, by Sen. Johnson and Rep. Bill Martin, R-Colorado Springs, was refeerred to the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Business Group of One Health Insurance, SB 96-184, by Sen. Linkhart and Rep. Leyba, passed the Senate and was assigned to the House Health, Environment, Welfare and Institutions Committee.

Equalize Taxes and Regulations for Telecom Corporations, SB 96-187, introduced by Sen. Schroeder and Rep. Anderson, passed the Senate Business Affairs and Labor Committee and is now in the hands of the House State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee.

Enterprise Zones, SB 96-193, by Sen. Dennis and Rep. Owen, was assigned to the Senate Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

E-mail and Public Records Policies, SB 96-212, sponsored by Sen. Jeffrey M. Wells, R-Colorado Springs, and Rep. Jeanne M. Adkins, R-Parker, is in the Senate Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

House Bills

Interim Telephone Rates, HB 96-1010, sponsored by Rep. Foster and Sen. Meiklejohn, was passed by the House with ammendments and is now in the Senate Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

Enterprise Zones, HB 96-1013, by Rep. Doug Friednash, D-Denver, and Sen. Thiebaut, is in the Senate Business Affairs and Labor Committee after being passed by the House.

Credit Union Public Deposit Protection, HB 96-1038, by Rep. Schauer and Sen. Mutzebaugh, was indefinitely postponed in the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

Harmonize Bank Reporting Provisions, HB 96-1047, by Rep. Reeser and Sen. Schroeder, was passed by the House but postponed indefinitely in the Senate Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

Eligibility Criteria for Workers Compensation, HB 96-1050, sponsored by Rep. Steve Acquafresca, R-Cedaredge, was postponed indefinitely by the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

Travel and Tourism Authority, HB 96-1062, by Rep. Chlouber and Sen. Bishop, was passed by the House and has gone through three readings in the Senate.

Valuation of Oil/Gas Production, HB 96-1075, by Rep. R.D. Moellenberg, and Sen. Rizzuto, was passed by the House and has made it through three readings in the Senate.

Real Estate Appraiser Regulation, HB 96-1080, by Rep. Pfiffner and Sen. Mutzebaugh, was passed by the House and is now in the Senate Finance Committee.

Reduction of Personal Property Tax, HB 96-1109, sponsored by Rep. Schwarz and Sen. Tom Blickensderfer, R-Englewood, was referred to the House Appropriations Committee.

Deregulation Some Passenger Transportation, HB 96-1111, Rep. Pfiffner and Sen. Blickensderfer, was postponed indefinitely by the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

Unemployment Compensation, HB 96-1134, by Rep. Bill Jerke, R-La Salle, was referred to the House Appropriations Committee.

Telephone Solicitation Requirements, HB 96-1137, sponsored by Rep. Dean and Sen. Elsie Lacy, R-Aurora, was passed by the House and was assigned to the Business Affairs and Labor Committee in the Senate.

Insurance Fraud Prevention, HB 96-1149, by Rep. Owen and Sen. Rizzuto, made it through the House and has survived three Senate readings.

Governmental Takings Ombudsman, HB 96-1150, by Rep. Dan Prinster, D-Grand Junction, was postponed indefinitely in the House.

Rates for Telephone Operator Assistance, HB 96-1161, by Rep. McElhany and Sen. Dennis, was passed by the House and assigned to the Business Affairs and Labor Committee in the Senate.

Personal Information Privacy Act, HB 96-1174, by Rep. Ron Tupa, D-Boulder, was indefinitely postponed before its second reading by the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

Agriculture Enterprise Zone Tax Credits, HB 96-1177, by Rep. Acquafresca and Sen. Don Ament, R-Iliff, was assigned to the Senate Agriculture, Natural Resources and Energy Committee after being passed by the House.

Primary Jobs Tax Credits, HB 96-1184, sponsored by Rep. Tool and Sen. Alexander, was sent to the House Appropriations Committee after its first reading in the House Finance Committee.

Workers’ Compensation for Company Owners, HB 96-1186, by Rep. May and Sen. Alexander, was passed by the House and sent to the Senate State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee.

Review of Environmental Regulations, HB 96-1197, sponsored by Rep. Owen and Sen. Schroeder, was referred to the House Appropriations Committee after being assigned to the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

Transportation — Growth Impact Zones, HB 96-1206, by Rep. Todd Saliman, D-Boulder, and Sen. Rizzuto, was postponed indefinitely in the House.

State Income Tax Rate Reduction, HB 96-1214, sponsored by Rep. Mike Salaz, R-Denver, and Sen. Rizzuto, has yet to pass its second reading before the House.

Health Care Providers Contracts, HB 96-1216, by Rep. Kreutz and Sen. Hopper, is in the Senate Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

Truck Registration Fees, HB 96-1218, by Rep. Entz and Sen. Ament, was referred to the House Appropriations Committee by the Trasportation Committee.

Workers’ Compensation Independent Medical Exams, HB 96-1226, by Rep. Prinzler and Sen. Ament, is in the Senate State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee after being passed, with amendments, by the House.

Electric Power Industry, HB 96-1234, by Rep. Schauer and Sen. Blickensderfer, has not yet been reported on by the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

Workers’ Compensation Civil Penalties, HB 96-1235, sponsored by Rep. Chuck Berry, R-Colorado Springs, and Sen. Norton, was amended and passed by the House and is now in the Senate State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee.

PUC Fines for Telecommunications, HB 96-1256, sponsored by Rep. McElhany, was referred to the House Appropriations Committee, where it was postponed indefinitely.

Health Care Puchasing Arrangements, HB 96-1264, by Rep. Tool and Sen. Feeley, was amended and passed by the House and is now in the Senate Health, Environment, Welfare and Institutions Committee.

Personal Property Tax — Exemption, HB 96-1267, sponsored by Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-Colorado Springs, is in the House Appropriations Committee.

Discriminatory Pricing of Manufactured Goods, HB 96-1273, by Rep. Prinster, was postponed indefinitely by the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

Eliminate State Minimum Wage Laws, HB 96-1280, by Rep. Berry and Sen. Schroeder, was passed by the House and assigned to the Senate Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

Organization of Colorado Corporations, HB 96-1285, made it through the House and was assigned to the Senate Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

Regulation of Business of Insurance, HB 96-1310, sponsored by Rep. Foster and Sen. Johnson, was postponed indefinitely in the House.

Study Deregulation of Electric and Gas Markets, HB 96-1318, sponsored by Rep. Paschall and Sen. Alexander, was assigned to the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee and has not been reported on yet.

Exempt Federal S&Ls and Banks from Reporting, HB 96-1347, by Rep. Dean, made it through the House with amendments and was assigned to the Senate Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

Business Credit Transactions, HB 96-1257, by Rep. Schauer and Sen. Schroeder, was passed by the House and is in the senate Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

Just past the midway point of the 60th session of Colorado’s General Assembly, here’s an update on some of the bills introduced to the Senate and House that could affect Colorado businesses.

Senate Bills

Health Care Coverage Cooperative, SB 96-25, sponsored by Sen. Mike Coffman, R-Aurora, and Foster, is in the House Health, Environment, Welfare and Institutions Committee.

Registration of Subdivision Developers, SB 96-32, introduced by Sen. Stan Matsunaka, D-Loveland, and Rep. Ron May, R-Colorado Springs, is in the House Business Affairs and Labor Committee.

Credit Union Operations, SB 96-56, sponsored by Sen. Mutzebaugh and Rep. Paul D. Schauer, R-Littleton, passed through the…

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