Economy & Economic Development  November 19, 2020

New weekly unemployment claims in CO increase to 9,171

DENVER — An additional 9,171 people filed for traditional unemployment benefits in the week ending Nov. 14, the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment said Thursday, an increase of 1,688 from the week prior.

Coloradans applying for state-level Pandemic Unemployment Assistance in the week ending Nov. 7 totaled 6,121. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance provides aid to gig workers, the self-employed and others who wouldn’t normally qualify for regular benefits. That figure was revised down from 7,281 as previously reported, with the department saying it is analyzing claims that may be consistent with fraud.

The total number of continuing claims made in the state was at 224,076 for the week of Nov. 7, which include all state and federal assistance programs, up 10,373 from the week before.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

The amount of regular benefits paid out by the department declined by $1.6 million from the prior week to $32.4 million.

Nationwide, the U.S. Labor Department said 742,000 Americans filed for first-time benefits in the period, an increase of 31,000 from the week prior.

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DENVER — An additional 9,171 people filed for traditional unemployment benefits in the week ending Nov. 14, the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment said Thursday, an increase of 1,688 from the week prior.

Coloradans applying for state-level Pandemic Unemployment Assistance in the week ending Nov. 7 totaled 6,121. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance provides aid to gig workers, the self-employed and others who wouldn’t normally qualify for regular benefits. That figure was revised down from 7,281 as previously reported, with the department saying it is analyzing claims that may be consistent with fraud.

The total number of…

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