Brewing, Cideries & Spirits  February 2, 2018

Boulder-based Sanitas Brewing expands distribution in 5 states

BOULDER  — Sanitas Brewing Co. in Boulder announced Thursday it has established agreements to distribute its hand-crafted beers in Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Nebraska and Colorado.

Established in 2013, the brewery uses organic and local ingredients. Its most popular beers are being canned so they can be sold in liquor stores and restaurants, in addition to the taproom.

“We wanted to bring our passion for great beer, good times and giving back to our friends outside of Colorado,” said Michael Memsic, the brewery’s chief executive.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Sanitas sought markets where it felt the beer would hit home. Maryland, Nebraska, Connecticut, and Rhode Island were chosen because the company’s  market research concluded these states have an increasing appetite for craft beers, and they’re not already dominated by “thousands of other breweries.”

Beers that will be sold in six packs in these states include Sanitas IPA, Sanitas Black IPA, Sanitas Saison and Sanitas Grand Cru.

“Our goal is to grow organically as we get more and more requests for our beer from consumers and distributors”, Memsic said. “Hopefully in the near future, Sanitas’ beers will be available throughout the country, and we can share our Rocky Mountain recipes with friends in every state.”


BOULDER  — Sanitas Brewing Co. in Boulder announced Thursday it has established agreements to distribute its hand-crafted beers in Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Nebraska and Colorado.

Established in 2013, the brewery uses organic and local ingredients. Its most popular beers are being canned so they can be sold in liquor stores and restaurants, in addition to the taproom.

“We wanted to bring our passion for great beer, good times and giving back to our friends outside of Colorado,” said Michael Memsic, the brewery’s chief executive.

Sanitas sought markets where it felt the beer would hit…

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