July 12, 2016

Study: Methane in Colo. water not always from gas wells

Fewer than 5 percent of water wells in northeastern Colorado that were checked for methane pollution had been tainted by oil and gas leaks, according to a $200,000 study funded by the National Science Foundation and released Monday. The study received no money from the energy industry.

A report in the Greeley Tribune indicates that the study found that about 18 percent of the wells in the Denver-Julesburg Basin had methane that came from coal seams underlying the area and the rest either had no detectable methane or methane that couldn’t be definitively traced.


Fewer than 5 percent of water wells in northeastern Colorado that were checked for methane pollution had been tainted by oil and gas leaks, according to a $200,000 study funded by the National Science Foundation and released Monday. The study received no money from the energy industry.

A report in the Greeley Tribune indicates that the study found that about 18 percent of the wells in the Denver-Julesburg Basin had methane that came from coal seams underlying the area and the rest either had no detectable methane or methane that couldn’t be definitively traced.

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