Technology  December 28, 2015

Carfax owner buys Carproof for $460 million

Douglas County-based IHS Inc., an information and analytics firm that owns the Carfax automotive information service, has acquired Carproof Corp., a similar service based in Canada, for $460 million, according to The Denver Post.

Acquisition of the 15-year-old company will give IHS a foothold in Canada, company officials said. IHS had acquired Carfax owner R.L. Polk & Co. in 2013.



Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.


Douglas County-based IHS Inc., an information and analytics firm that owns the Carfax automotive information service, has acquired Carproof Corp., a similar service based in Canada, for $460 million, according to The Denver Post.

Acquisition of the 15-year-old company will give IHS a foothold in Canada, company officials said. IHS had acquired Carfax owner R.L. Polk & Co. in 2013.



Dallas Heltzell
With BizWest since 2012 and in Colorado since 1979, Dallas worked at the Longmont Times-Call, Colorado Springs Gazette, Denver Post and Public News Service. A Missouri native and Mizzou School of Journalism grad, Dallas started as a sports writer and outdoor columnist at the St. Charles (Mo.) Banner-News, then went to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch before fleeing the heat and humidity for the Rockies. He especially loves covering our mountain communities.
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