February 26, 2014

BizWest Media consolidating BCBR, NCBR

BOULDER – Boulder-based BizWest Media LLC will combine its two biweekly business publications into a single print edition that will launch March 21.

Its new publication, to be called BizWest, will consolidate the Boulder County Business Report, and the Northern Colorado Business Report. BizWest will maintain offices in Boulder and Fort Collins.

The combined publication will have circulation of 9,000 and will provide business news coverage of Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer and Weld counties, as well as the Denver-Boulder Corridor.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

BizWest will continue its morning and afternoon online news reports, as well as the biweekly print edition.

Chris Wood and Jeff Nuttall co-founded the Northern Colorado Business Report in 1995 after joining forces with the company that owned the Boulder County Business Report, which was founded in 1982.

“This is a very exciting new venture for our company,” Nuttall said. “When we launched the Northern Colorado Business Report in 1995, we saw the increasing convergence of the economies of Larimer and Weld counties. We’re now seeing the same sort of business, government and political connections between the Boulder Valley and Northern Colorado.”

The region is one of the most dynamic, innovative areas on the Front Range, Wood said, and has numerous entities in common, including research universities, a host of federal labs and businesses whose service areas cross multiple county lines. The fast-growing region is projected to have nearly 1 million residents by 2015.

“If we were to look at these four counties from scratch today, we would be launching one paper, not two,” Wood said.

The new editorial initiative will help streamline the news division, expand online news offerings, reduce redundant coverage and provide advertisers a greater reach, he said.

Nuttall and Wood, in addition to serving as managers of BizWest Media, will serve jointly as publishers of BizWest.

Jerd Smith, currently the editor of the Northern Colorado Business Report, will serve as executive editor of the new publication, while Doug Storum, editor of the Boulder County Business Report, will serve as editor.

As a result of the consolidation, four positions will be eliminated and three new posts will be added, for a net staff reduction of one.

BizWest Media LLC also publishes the Cheyenne-based Wyoming Business Report, which is not affected by the change.

BOULDER – Boulder-based BizWest Media LLC will combine its two biweekly business publications into a single print edition that will launch March 21.

Its new publication, to be called BizWest, will consolidate the Boulder County Business Report, and the Northern Colorado Business Report. BizWest will maintain offices in Boulder and Fort Collins.

The combined publication will have circulation of 9,000 and will provide business news coverage of Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer and Weld counties, as well as the Denver-Boulder Corridor.

BizWest will continue its morning and afternoon online news reports, as well as the biweekly print edition.

Chris Wood and Jeff Nuttall co-founded the Northern…

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