January 28, 2011

Donna Visocky ignites change with BellaSpark

Imagine the one thing you cared about more than anything else in this world was taken from you. Then see if anything holds you back from taking chances that can make all the difference.

Donna Visocky lost her 21-year-old daughter in a car crash. It was in that moment that she declared to the universe, “There’s nothing left that you can possibly take that matters as much.”

It was in that moment that fear no longer became a barrier between Visocky and the possibilities she imagined.

In 2002, Visocky took one of the biggest risks of her life: She took out a loan against her house to start BellaSpark Productions. If she failed, the bank would take her house, but in her mind, she had nothing left to lose.

If you are stuck in life or facing a setback, think of Donna Visocky. Then think of the one thing that matters the most to you. Then imagine it being taken away. Now ask, “What’s there left to be afraid of?”

Visocky started BellaSpark as a dedication to her daughter. She wanted to change the world as a result of her own awakening to what was possible for every one of us. BellaSpark Productions offers motivational workshops, seminars and events, and produces a free publication for the community, BellaSpark: Igniting Change.

Visocky’s past entrepreneurial experiences include owning a cheese and gift shop and a direct mail business. She was also a partner in a skating apparel company. Her initial startup cost for BellaSpark was $50,000, obtained through that second mortgage and credit cards.

Q: What is the vision of your company and the community you serve?

A: Bella means beautiful and Spark reflects how my daughter Kristi was in life. Kristi was the catalyst behind BellaSpark and the company exists today as a tribute to her ongoing legacy. Our tag line is “igniting change” and our mission is to be a spark that exposes everyday ordinary people to extraordinary new thoughts in order to inspire a more spiritually conscious way of living. BellaSpark brings powerful, thought-provoking speakers to people around the country. Our free publication, BellaSpark, serves the market of those seeking positive reinforcement and deeper spiritual lives.

Q: What is the passion that your business fills for you personally?

A: I feel the hunger in people as they search for answers to the meaning of life; I have that same hunger. I am passionate about helping to fill that yearning with inspiring information. To be able to help people find their own answers, to open them up to new ideas, that is my purpose.

Q: Where do you see yourself and your company in 10 years?

A: I’d like to franchise the magazine to new markets and create multiple city tours for my speakers. I envision taking BellaSpark to greater heights. I see exciting and unique things for the company.

Q: Looking back now, is there anything you wish you had done differently? Any regrets?

A: I wish I had spent more time building up systems, so that I was better able to delegate my duties to others. I know how to do everything myself, but I never make the time to train someone else. Having better systems would allow me to focus more on the big picture and allow others to provide the details. My only regret is that I wish I would have started BellaSpark sooner!

Q: What have been your biggest rewards?

A: An awareness that there is nothing to be afraid of in life. The direct appreciation I get from others. The freedom. The people I have met, and the deep connection with others, has been an unexpected reward. Being able to expand my business to a place I love, Seattle. I would also say the sense of peace that comes from only having to please yourself has been so satisfying!

Q: Are there one or two things you can attribute your success to?

A: I believe everything has gone according to a plan bigger than myself. I’m simply fulfilling a plan already laid out. Kristi’s death really woke me up. I attribute my success to perseverance and having a good support group of fellow business owners.

Q: What is the most important attribute you look for in a new employee?

A: The most important thing is that a person has to have a passion for whatever “it” is. The best thing you can find in a prospective employee is genuine enthusiasm and passion.

Q: Any recommended books?

A: Any book that helps you stick with your passion is worth the read. A good one is “The Answer” by John Assaroff. My advice is to spend effort on anything that helps ignite the passion within.

Q: Slogan to live by or what it might say on your tombstone?

A: “She wasn’t afraid to think big.”

Brian Schwartz is the founder of 50 Interviews Inc., and can be reached at www.50interviews.com.

Imagine the one thing you cared about more than anything else in this world was taken from you. Then see if anything holds you back from taking chances that can make all the difference.

Donna Visocky lost her 21-year-old daughter in a car crash. It was in that moment that she declared to the universe, “There’s nothing left that you can possibly take that matters as much.”

It was in that moment that fear no longer became a barrier between Visocky and the possibilities she imagined.

In 2002, Visocky took one of the biggest risks of her life: She took out…

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