Women in Business  August 29, 2024

2024 Women of Distinction – Colette Thompson

2024 Women of Distinction Honoree – Health Care

Colette Thompson

Senior Director Community Health Improvement

What’s your proudest moment either personally or professionally?

Personally, I’m proud to be witness to my two daughters finding what they do best and doing their best with it all and seeing their love without qualification for family, their partners, and our community. One example was at ages 13 and 11, respectively they put together a creative fund-raising event that generated over $10,000 to help a nursing student who was without health insurance and faced with a cancer diagnosis.   Professionally, I’m proud of the spectrum of my career from working as a clinical and public health educator and in leadership roles across a range of primary, specialty and urgent care, contributing to the research and development of an innovative cancer therapy, and serving on a number of Boards and committees for a collective impact to protect and improve lives. 

How do you like to unwind?

I’ll play nearly anything, but my favorite sports and recreation are golf, skiing, hiking, and dancing.  I love a good workout, yoga, classic rock music, and enjoy poetry. 

Who is your mentor or role model?

Whereas I’ve had many mentors and role models, my maternal grandfather, my paternal grandmother, and my parents were among those who most profoundly influenced my personal and professional paths.


What’s ahead for you personally or professionally?

I find personal fulfillment in living my vocation as a leader in community health and by engaging with those who share the mission. It’s a personal and professional aspiration to continue to partner with others to address identified health issues and improve lives from before birth to end of life.  

Click to view all of the 2024 Women of Distinction honorees.

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