Corporate Challenge boosts giving in advance of Colorado Gives Day

ARVADA — Businesses that want to support Colorado Gives Day can raise additional funds for the nonprofits of their choice through the Corporate Challenge, presented by Delta Dental of Colorado.
The Corporate Challenge began Nov. 1 and runs through Colorado Gives Day, Dec. 5. The first 100 companies that raise $1,000 for nonprofits will get an extra $1,000 to share with their designated nonprofits.
Businesses can create a fundraising page and share it with their employees to raise funds for various causes. Businesses can sign up for the Corporate Challenge here.
“It only takes a little to make a big impact, and the Corporate Challenge is a great way for businesses big and small to do that,” Andrea Miller, director of environmental, social and governance for Delta Dental of Colorado, said in a written statement. “We hope to inspire companies across Colorado to donate and are thrilled to give the first 100 companies that raise $1,000 an additional $1,000 match for their nonprofits.”
More than 3,400 Colorado nonprofits are gearing up for Colorado Gives Day, a 24- hour giving campaign. Donors can visit and select one or more nonprofit to support. Donations begin at $5.
As of Nov. 1 and continuing through Colorado Gives Day,, all donations made on can be multiplied through an Incentive Fund of more than $1 million that boosts the impact of dollars donated.
“We all have the things we care about and on Colorado Gives Day, you can give to what matter most to you,” Kelly Dunkin, president and CEO of the Colorado Gives Foundation, the organization behind Colorado Gives Day, said in a prepared statement.. “Last year, 100,000 donors came together to donate more than $53 million for local nonprofits. So whether you want to help find a cure for cancer, protect our rivers, feed the hungry or help pets find forever homes, it’s good on a monumental scale. The more fun we have giving, the more our communities thrive.”
The online giving platform,, is free for nonprofits to use for online fundraising. All nonprofits on the platform are vetted to confirm their charitable status and that are in good standing with the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office.
Because is also a year-round giving platform, Colorado Gives Foundation is offering an additional match for donors who set up a monthly recurring donation. For all new monthly donations set up from Nov. 20 to Dec. 5, Colorado Gives Foundation will match it up to $100, or $250,000 across the site.
FirstBank helped launch and is the presenting sponsor of Colorado Gives Day, providing cash prizes, event support, incentive fund contributions and paid advertising.
“By coming together to donate on one of the largest giving days in the nation, we can amplify our giving power and create positive change,” Kelly Kaminskas, chief digital officer for FirstBank and Colorado Gives Foundation board member. “FirstBank’s continued support of Colorado Gives Day demonstrates our commitment to investing in the communities we love and serve.”
ARVADA — Businesses that want to support Colorado Gives Day can raise additional funds for the nonprofits of their choice through the Corporate Challenge, presented by Delta Dental of Colorado.
The Corporate Challenge began Nov. 1 and runs through Colorado Gives Day, Dec. 5. The first 100 companies that raise $1,000 for nonprofits will get an extra $1,000 to share with their designated nonprofits.
Businesses can create a fundraising page and share it with their employees to raise funds for various causes. Businesses can sign up for the Corporate Challenge here.
“It only takes a little to make a big impact, and…