Nonprofits  May 24, 2023

Larimer United Way to administer new nonprofit grant program

FORT COLLINS — United Way of Larimer County, together with the Colorado Department of Local Affairs, will administer a new grant program to help nonprofits build infrastructure and capacity — in other words, invest in growth.

The program, called the Nonprofit Infrastructure Grant Program, is a statewide grant program for small, community-based nonprofit organizations that provide services to communities that have historically been underrepresented, underserved, or under-resourced. The Larimer United Way role will involve Larimer County nonprofits as well as those in Boulder, Broomfield, Gilpin and Jackson counties, according to a press statement. 

The Denver-based Community Shares Inc. is the designated regional access partner for Weld County.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

The United Way seeks applicants with annual budgets between $150,000 and $2 million that have been affected by the aftermath of COVID-19. The grant money is not for programming but for building the organization in other ways, such as strategic planning, professional development for board and staff, technology, and so forth.

The application period will open on July 5 and close on Aug. 31.

The Nonprofit Infrastructure Grant Program was created after the Colorado House Bill 22-1356 was signed into law on June 3, 2022. The grant is designed for nonprofits in historically-marginalized communities that have not had equitable access to funding and other resources. In total across Colorado, $33.1 million in grants will be awarded with selected organizations awarded up to $100,000. 

“This partnership with DOLA allows United Way of Larimer County to amplify our mutual commitments to equitable access to funding for community-led nonprofits …,” said Deirdre Sullivan, president and CEO of the Larimer United Way, in a written statement. “This grant program will extend relief for small charitable organizations across Colorado, led by the communities they support. During COVID-19, these organizations were critical in supporting our most impacted communities and remain essential in creating inclusive communities and economies in the aftermath of the past several years,” she said.

To apply, applicants should contact United Way of Larimer County for technical assistance and to learn more about the process, criteria and funding.

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