January 13, 2023

Solid Power to develop nickel- and cobalt-free solid-state batteries for DOE

LOUISVILLE — Solid Power Inc., which makes solid-state batteries for electric vehicles, has won a contract from the U.S. Department of Energy to develop nickel- and cobalt-free solid-state battery cells.

“Solid Power expects to receive up to $5.6 million to develop battery cells containing a lithium metal anode and sulfur composite cathode to enable improved energy and charging performance,” the Louisville company said in a news release.

“Replacing costly nickel and cobalt in the cathode with sulfur could lead to a lower cost EV battery with improved energy and fast-charging capabilities,” Solid Power president and interim CEO David Jansen said in the release. “I’d like to thank the Solid Power development team for their outstanding work and the DOE for their continued confidence in our company’s value proposition.”


LOUISVILLE — Solid Power Inc., which makes solid-state batteries for electric vehicles, has won a contract from the U.S. Department of Energy to develop nickel- and cobalt-free solid-state battery cells.

“Solid Power expects to receive up to $5.6 million to develop battery cells containing a lithium metal anode and sulfur composite cathode to enable improved energy and charging performance,” the Louisville company said in a news release.

“Replacing costly nickel and cobalt in the cathode with sulfur could lead to a lower cost EV battery with improved energy and fast-charging capabilities,” Solid Power president and interim CEO David Jansen said in the…

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