Real Estate & Construction  June 9, 2020

Early-bird pricing ends Wednesday for Northern Colorado Real Estate Summit

Early-bird pricing ends at 11:55 p.m. Wednesday for the Northern Colorado Real Estate Summit, a virtual event scheduled for June 17-19.

Registration for the summit is available on the BizWest site with the early-bird registration cost of $34.49 available through June 10, when it goes to $39.49. Additional processing fees apply.

The summit originally was scheduled for early April at the Ranch event complex in Loveland but was rescheduled for June 18 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The revised program will take place June 17-19, with three rounds of morning sessions.


“With continued uncertainty about the time frame in which governmental authorities will allow large-scale in-person events, we have shifted to an online format for the 2020 program,” said Jeff Nuttall, publisher of BizWest, which organizes the event. “The Northern Colorado Real Estate Summit is one of the most-anticipated events of the year. COVID-19 required us to seek other ways to deliver this content, but we have chosen an event platform that will please attendees, sponsors and exhibitors because it leverages AI to connect people via common interests. Sponsors will receive more lead-gen material than we have ever been able to provide in the past.”

BizWest director of events Rich Bussen said the event will feature live-streaming presentations, interactive Q&A sessions, virtual trade-show booths, online networking, one-on-one video meetings and much more.

We conducted extensive research into an online solution that would provide the level of engagement and experience our attendees, sponsors, and exhibitors expect from us each year,” Bussen said. “We wanted to recreate as much of the in-person event experience as possible.”

Attendees may also earn five continuing-education credits through VanEd. An additional fee applies.

The 2020 Northern Colorado Real Estate Summit will feature both new and familiar content. The day will begin with a plenary session on water, the price and availability of which are key drivers  of cost in residential and commercial real estate. Water availability is also driving locations of development, which will be part of the discussion.

New commercial developments throughout the northern region will be discussed in two Breaking Ground sessions, at which city planning departments lay out what projects are in the works.

Residential experts will discuss what types of housing are in demand and also discuss the hurdles to providing affordable housing in the region.

Commercial and residential forecasts will be outlined by experts from both sectors of the industry.

The summit will explore the issue of metropolitan districts, which have become a flashpoint in political debate all along the Front Range. Use of districts has become a common means to cover infrastructure costs of development.

Finally, a panel moderated by Michael Payne, partner in the Coan, Payton & Payne LLC law firm, will provide a platform for Icons of Real Estate to reveal their secrets of success. This year’s icons are Ed Stoner, a retired Fort Collins developer; Byron Collins, CEO of the Harmony development in Fort Collins; and Shirley Watson, broker with C3 Real Estate.

The full agenda is available here.

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