Energy, Utilities & Water  November 9, 2018

Prop. 112 proponents look to legislature for changes

Proposition 112 — the measure to expand setbacks for oil and gas drilling — may have failed at the polls but proponents hope that the blue wave that swept state elected offices might result in legislative changes for the industry.

The Longmont Times-Call reported that legislators have begun to discuss what they might consider when the legislature is gaveled into session in January. Proponents especially would like to see increases in local control of the industry, so communities could determine for themselves how to regulate the industry, instead of relying only on state regulations.

And if legislation doesn’t happen, proponents hope that newly elected executive branch officials will take different approaches when cities and counties take steps on their own, according to the report.


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Proposition 112 — the measure to expand setbacks for oil and gas drilling — may have failed at the polls but proponents hope that the blue wave that swept state elected offices might result in legislative changes for the industry.

The Longmont Times-Call reported that legislators have begun to discuss what they might consider when the legislature is gaveled into session in January. Proponents especially would like to see increases in local control of the industry, so communities could determine for themselves how to regulate the industry, instead of relying only on state regulations.

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