December 6, 2017

One Colorado company makes best places list

Only one Colorado company broke into the ranks of the 50 best large-company places to work as determined by employees.

The list was compiled by job-hunting and employee-review site Comparably. The website asks employees detailed questions about their companies: everything from compensation information to queries like “Are your company’s meetings effective?” and “Do you have a mentor at work?”

Business Insider reported the list of the best 50 for 2017. It included just one Colorado company, Denver-based Vertaphore, which ranked 15th on the list. Vertaphore creates software for the insurance industry.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Most of the companies on the list were West Coast tech companies, but a few were engaged in non-tech industries such as coffee or hospitality. Several companies on the list have a Colorado presence. Google, based in Mountain View, Calif., has a large operation in Boulder and rated first on the list. Kaiser Permanente, the health-care provider with a large Colorado presence, placed 42nd.

To generate the list, Comparably analyzed more than 3 million employee ratings on 30,000 U.S. companies to come up with an overall satisfaction rank. Comparably defines a “large” company as one with at least 500 employees, and it based its satisfaction rating only on reviews written in 2017.

To make the list, each company needed at least 25 employee reviews. Companies with employees who answered more questions were weighted more heavily than those with staffers who provided fewer answers.


Only one Colorado company broke into the ranks of the 50 best large-company places to work as determined by employees.

The list was compiled by job-hunting and employee-review site Comparably. The website asks employees detailed questions about their companies: everything from compensation information to queries like “Are your company’s meetings effective?” and “Do you have a mentor at work?”

Business Insider reported the list of the best 50 for 2017. It included just one Colorado company, Denver-based Vertaphore, which ranked 15th on the list. Vertaphore creates software for the insurance industry.


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