October 24, 2016

New owners of Sun Deli in Boulder plan expansion

The new husband-wife ownership duo of Sun Deli in Boulder is planning at least one additional location of the deli/liquor store combo.

The Daily Camera reports that Lantz Knickerbocker and Carita Felbermayr bought Sun Deli, 2299 Pearl St., last week from Morgan Catherwood, and are planning a second location in the Flatiron business park in east Boulder.


The new husband-wife ownership duo of Sun Deli in Boulder is planning at least one additional location of the deli/liquor store combo.

The Daily Camera reports that Lantz Knickerbocker and Carita Felbermayr bought Sun Deli, 2299 Pearl St., last week from Morgan Catherwood, and are planning a second location in the Flatiron business park in east Boulder.

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