Energy, Utilities & Water  May 27, 2016

Fort Collins team 1 of 3 winners at Go Code Colorado business app challenge

FORT COLLINS — For the third year in a row on Thursday night, a Fort Collins team was among the three winners of the Go Code Colorado statewide business app competition.

The team Regulation Explorer — which has created a platform that helps energy companies determine the best sites to drill for oil and gas based on government regulations such as proximity to schools — joined Colorado Springs-based Hively and Denver-based Foodcaster in taking home $25,000 each to help them build out their apps.

Run by Colorado Secretary of State Wayne Williams’ office, Go Code Colorado charges developers and entrepreneurs with making use of public data available through the office to solve business problems and make better business decisions.

Five judges chose the winners from among 10 finalists at Thursday night’s finals event in Denver.

Members of the Regulation Explorer team included Emily Hueni, Danielle Leighton, Janel Guerrero, Sam Richard, Wojciech Magda, Kelly Wilson and Ronald Stites. The group’s aim with Regulation Explorer is to make the oil and gas siting process faster and less costly for energy companies, while also creating transparency for communities and government officials.

“There’s a great need for information regarding regulations,” Hueni said in a press release. “We are excited to put oil and gas regulations on the map through the help of Go Code.”

As for the other two winners Thursday, Hively has created a platform for companies to connect with potential employees based on personality match and not just skills and knowledge. Foodcaster, meanwhile, is an app to help food-truck owners find the best location to park by informing them of parking regulations, foot-traffic metrics, local events and other information.

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