Health Care & Insurance  April 22, 2016

Minority Health Summit at CSU to examine health-care discrimination

FORT COLLINS – Dayna Bowen Matthew – a professor at the University of Colorado Boulder law school and the Center for Bioethics and Humanities at CU Anschutz – will keynote the Minority Health Summit to be held at Colorado State University on April 29.

The full-day event aims to highlight health issues of concern for people of color. The summit is hosted by the Colorado School of Public Health, an accredited institution formed jointly by CSU, CU Anschutz and the University of Northern Colorado in 2008.

Matthew’s keynote will focus on the water crisis in Flint, Mich., and the impacts of systemic unconscious racism as it relates to population health. Much of her research and writing has focused on evidence that people of color live sicker and die sooner than whites in the United States due to health care discrimination based on race, color and national origin.


A full list of speakers and events, as well as registration info for the summit, can be found on the Minority Health Summit website.

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