July 31, 2014

BioServe to collaborate on Dream Chaser project

LOUISVILLE – Sierra Nevada Corp., and BioServe Technologies, a space life science research and hardware development center located at the University of Colorado Boulder, have signed an agreement to collaborate on microgravity science applications for Dream Chaser.

CU and SNC, which has its Space Systems division in Louisville, will announce details of the deal at a press conference on Monday.

Dream Chaser is the spacecraft SNC is developing to take astronauts to low-Earth orbit by 2017.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

The agreement with BioServe will allow SNC and BioServe to look at how BioServe services could be incorporated into Dream Chaser for future microgravity missions.

LOUISVILLE – Sierra Nevada Corp., and BioServe Technologies, a space life science research and hardware development center located at the University of Colorado Boulder, have signed an agreement to collaborate on microgravity science applications for Dream Chaser.

CU and SNC, which has its Space Systems division in Louisville, will announce details of the deal at a press conference on Monday.

Dream Chaser is the spacecraft SNC is developing to take astronauts to low-Earth orbit by 2017.

The agreement with BioServe will allow SNC and BioServe to look at how BioServe services could be incorporated into Dream Chaser for future microgravity missions.

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