March 29, 2013

Guild accepting nominations for green-building awards

BOULDER — The nonprofit Colorado Green Building Guild is accepting nominations for its second annual Boulder Valley Green Building Awards.

The selection committee will recognize interesting dynamic entries worthy of recognition for enlightenment, creativity and leadership, and will not be tied to rigorous data requirements.

Finalists will be announced in May, and winners will be announced in June at the Boulder County Business Report’s annual Green Summit. The summit has been rebranded as Be — the Boulder Earth Conference.

Nominations may be submitted online at Categories are:

Best Green Adaptive Reuse of Existing Building

This is the adaptation of an existing building to another use, such as eTown’s transformation of an old stone church into corporate offices, recording studio/performance venue or Ocean First Divers’ reconfiguration of an auto mechanics facility into a training/outfitting dive center.

Best Green Educational Facility

This is the best new green building or retrofit of an educational facility such as Casey Middle School or Columbine Elementary School or multiuse educational venue such as CU’s Center for Community student activities center.

Best Green Health-Care Facility

This is the best green, sustainable and energy efficient facility dedicated to human or animal health care such as, Boulder Community Foothills Hospital, Boulder Valley Women’s Health Center, or Aspen Meadows Veterinary Specialists.

Best Green Multi-Residential Building

This is an apartment building, dorm, a communal living venue incorporating green building initiatives, such as, Imagine!’s Smart Home, or CU’s Williams Village North.

Green Cutting-Edge

This is the best new building or retrofit, incorporating cutting-edge technologies that advance green sustainable building practices such as Synergistic Building Technologies’ innovative greenhouse designs or Ocean First Divers’ thermal recycling of waste heat.

Best Green Improvement on a Commercial Building

This is the best green retrofit or major remodel of an existing commercial building incorporating sustainable or energy efficient techniques and technologies, such as, Eco-Products, The Geological Society of America, or Ocean First Divers.

Best Green Residential

This encompasses outstanding new green homes, sustainable remodels, or energy efficient retrofits of existing homes.

Best Green Improvement of a Historic or Old Building

This is the best retrofit or major remodel of an aging building revitalized into a thriving new facility such as The Main Street Matt Co., Chautauqua’s cabin renovations, or the Gold Miner Hotel.

Best Green Hospitality Facility

This is a hotel, retreat, or resort that is a new or retrofitted facility utilizing green, sustainable building improvements, or new energy efficient technologies, such as, Peaceful Meadows Retreat, or the Gold Miner Hotel.

The selection committee includes Henry Mueller, principal, Henry Mueller Design; Joseph Vigil, president, North Colorado Chapter, American Institute of Architect; Ellen Franconi, senior consultant, Built Environment Team, Rocky Mountain Institute; Trent Yang, director, CU Cleantech, University of Colorado-Boulder;

Tasha Halevi, project manager, Architectural Energy Corp.; Brad Queen, energy division manager, Center for Resource Conservation; Jonathan Koehn, regional sustainability coordinator, city of Boulder; Dan Powers, community relations coordinator, Western Disposal Services Inc.; Rois Langner, mechanical engineer, Rois Commercial Buildings Research Group, National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

BOULDER — The nonprofit Colorado Green Building Guild is accepting nominations for its second annual Boulder Valley Green Building Awards.

The selection committee will recognize interesting dynamic entries worthy of recognition for enlightenment, creativity and leadership, and will not be tied to rigorous data requirements.

Finalists will be announced in May, and winners will be announced in June at the Boulder County Business Report’s annual Green Summit. The summit has been rebranded as Be — the Boulder Earth Conference.

Nominations may be submitted online at Categories are:

Best Green Adaptive Reuse of Existing Building

This is the adaptation of an existing…

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