December 7, 2012

The power of presence

I can think of few qualities that make one more engaging and more employable than the ability to be totally present. Focusing on the person in front of us shows respect and builds trust. It makes us memorable for all the right reasons.
We all share three basic needs: to be seen, heard, and understood. When we are able to shut out the noise around us to focus on another person, we are fulfilling these needs in a very profound manner.
We have all had the experience of speaking to someone who is distracted. We have been in networking situations in which the person we are speaking to seems to be continually scanning the room.  It is rude and degrading. It’s the opposite of beautiful.
This holiday season give the best gift of all: be present with others.

Better yet, make it a lifelong habit. While people will not always remember what you say, they will never forget the way you made them feel.

I can think of few qualities that make one more engaging and more employable than the ability to be totally present. Focusing on the person in front of us shows respect and builds trust. It makes us memorable for all the right reasons.
We all share three basic needs: to be seen, heard, and understood. When we are able to shut out the noise around us to focus on another person, we are fulfilling these needs in a very profound manner.
We have all had the experience of speaking to someone who is distracted. We have been in…


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