Do you carry emotional pepper spray?
- Exude negativity of any kind
- Bad mouthing a former employer
- Offer long winded responses that fail to answer the questions I am asking
- Show little or no enthusiasm for the position I am trying to fill
- Lack knowledge and information about my company
- Ask more than five questions at the end of the interview
- Show up late
- Fail to follow up with me after the interview
- Reveal unresolved emotions
- Focus too much on the past
- Bring up taboo topics such as age, race, or religion during the interview
- Exude negativity of any kind
- Bad mouthing a former employer
- Offer long winded responses that fail to answer the questions I am asking
- Show little or no enthusiasm for the position I am trying to fill
- Lack knowledge and information about my company
- Ask more than five questions at the…
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