ARCHIVED  August 17, 2011

CSU, Governor’s Energy Office collaborate on energy efficiency

FORT COLLINS – Colorado State University will collaborate with the
Governor’s Energy Office on a program to enhance energy efficiency
across state government operations that employ 30,000 workers.

The Governor’s Energy Office has signed an agreement with the CSU-based
Center for Multiscale Modeling for Atmospheric Processes, a
multi-institutional science and technology center to implement mandatory
energy-saving requirements.

The agreement will help further the state’s Greening Government
initiative, which includes such measures as reducing energy, water and
paper use.


“We’re going to help the state’s Greening Government Council to organize
workshops and develop fun and useful training for people who can then
take the message of cutting energy usage to 30,000 employees,´ said
Scott Denning, an atmospheric science professor who is managing the
program for CSU. “We want to help people understand why this is
important and why they should buy in.”

The Greening Government Council includes representatives from each
executive agency in the state responsible for implementing energy-saving
changes. CSU researchers and students will work with the council on
research related to state data on energy use and greenhouse gas

FORT COLLINS – Colorado State University will collaborate with the
Governor’s Energy Office on a program to enhance energy efficiency
across state government operations that employ 30,000 workers.

The Governor’s Energy Office has signed an agreement with the CSU-based
Center for Multiscale Modeling for Atmospheric Processes, a
multi-institutional science and technology center to implement mandatory
energy-saving requirements.

The agreement will help further the state’s Greening Government
initiative, which includes such measures as reducing energy, water and
paper use.

“We’re going to help the state’s Greening Government Council to organize
workshops and develop fun and useful…

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