ARCHIVED  April 12, 2011

Call for nominations for Corn Roast Grand Marshall

LOVELAND – The Loveland Chamber of Commerce is now accepting nominations
for the position of Grand Marshal at the 2011 Corn Roast Festival in
Loveland to be held Aug. 26-27 at Fairgrounds Park in downtown Loveland.

The Grand Marshal will be a part of many aspects of the festival,
including the event kick-off and the corn-shucking and -eating contests.

Nominees must be long-standing residents of Loveland who have made
significant contributions to the community. Self-nominations will not be

Nominations must include two letters of support, a current candidate
resume, and articles or other pieces documenting the nominee’s
achievements, as well as a completed nomination form, which can be found
at or at the Loveland Chamber of Commerce, 5400 Stone
Creek Circle, in Loveland.

The deadline for nominations is 5 p.m. on June 1. A selection will be made by the end of June.

LOVELAND – The Loveland Chamber of Commerce is now accepting nominations
for the position of Grand Marshal at the 2011 Corn Roast Festival in
Loveland to be held Aug. 26-27 at Fairgrounds Park in downtown Loveland.

The Grand Marshal will be a part of many aspects of the festival,
including the event kick-off and the corn-shucking and -eating contests.

Nominees must be long-standing residents of Loveland who have made
significant contributions to the community. Self-nominations will not be

Nominations must include two letters of support, a current candidate
resume, and articles or other pieces documenting…

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