March 7, 2011

PTO Balances be Damned

If you ask me, I will tell you that I believe employees need and deserve flexible schedules. Employees should not have to choose between their families and their jobs. Companies with enlightened policies around PTO, attendance, and flex scheduling will attract and retain the best and brightest talent. Furthermore, organizations that honor their human capital in this manner are the ones that will succeed into the future. This I believe.

Yet, as a manager with a big workload I find myself wondering why employees can’t get to work on time and just do their jobs. Every single day it is something. I just want my people to show up and be productive. I need help. I cannot do it alone.

But, furnaces go out. Migraines happen. Johnny forgets to get on the bus. Relatives die. Tummies ache. Jury duty notices arrive in the mail. Lab tests come back positive and the outlook is bleak. It’s time for Parent/Teacher Conferences – again? Husbands need to be driven to and from their colonoscopy appointments. Sally is in the school play. Buster needs to get to the vet because he swallowed his entire chew toy and he isn’t looking too good. And guess what? It’s only Wednesday.

I will sit down at my desk tomorrow morning and my red light will be blinking. At least one employee will have a very good reason to call in sick. A few more will come in late and leave early. As a manager it is my job to remember that juggling work and life is challenging and exhausting. PTO balances? Who cares? If you ask me, I will tell you that I believe that the vast majority of us are working as hard and as fast as we can.

If you ask me, I will tell you that I believe employees need and deserve flexible schedules. Employees should not have to choose between their families and their jobs. Companies with enlightened policies around PTO, attendance, and flex scheduling will attract and retain the best and brightest talent. Furthermore, organizations that honor their human capital in this manner are the ones that will succeed into the future. This I believe.

Yet, as a manager with a big workload I find myself wondering why employees can’t get to work on time and just do their jobs. Every single day it is something.…

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