ARCHIVED  August 25, 2010

Character First implementation seminar offered

FORT COLLINS – The Character First two-day implementation seminar is set
for Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 22 and 23, at Cache Bank and Trust,
4645 Ziegler Road in Fort Collins.

Led by Bob Powell, Character First consultant and trainer, the seminar
is designed to teach business leaders why building a community of
character in an organization is important and how to do it.

The seminar runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day and costs $400 per
person to attend, $325 for government/nonprofit organizations; one-day
pricing is also available. Registration deadline is Friday, Sept. 17.


Contact Character Fort Collins at 970-266-2671 or

FORT COLLINS – The Character First two-day implementation seminar is set
for Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 22 and 23, at Cache Bank and Trust,
4645 Ziegler Road in Fort Collins.

Led by Bob Powell, Character First consultant and trainer, the seminar
is designed to teach business leaders why building a community of
character in an organization is important and how to do it.

The seminar runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day and costs $400 per
person to attend, $325 for government/nonprofit organizations; one-day
pricing is also available. Registration deadline is Friday, Sept. 17.…

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