Agribusiness  January 27, 2009

Peace Corps pioneer Albertson dies at 90

FORT COLLINS – Maurice “Maury” Albertson, a former Colorado State University professor and founding father of the Peace Corps, died Sunday. He was 90.

Family members said Albertson died after a brief stay in the hospice wing of the Columbine West Health and Rehab Center in Fort Collins. As recently as December, Albertson was traveling and teaching, joining longtime friend Ed Shinn in Indonesia on an educational mission.

Family members including Albertson’s wife, Audrey, and daughter, Kay, will announce details of a Celebration of Life for Albertson within the next few weeks.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Northern Colorado Business Report correspondent Jane Albritton, a former Peace Corps volunteer in India from 1967 to 1969, met with Albertson in August to gather his recollections of the early days of the Peace Corps, on the occasion of a reunion of Peace Corps volunteers in Fort Collins.

Click here to read a transcript of that conversation.

FORT COLLINS – Maurice “Maury” Albertson, a former Colorado State University professor and founding father of the Peace Corps, died Sunday. He was 90.

Family members said Albertson died after a brief stay in the hospice wing of the Columbine West Health and Rehab Center in Fort Collins. As recently as December, Albertson was traveling and teaching, joining longtime friend Ed Shinn in Indonesia on an educational mission.

Family members including Albertson’s wife, Audrey, and daughter, Kay, will announce details of a Celebration of Life for Albertson within the next few weeks.

Northern Colorado Business Report correspondent Jane Albritton, a…

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