January 8, 2009

It’s all about involuntary virtue

If there’s an upside to the current economy, it just might be in New Year’s resolutions. Those promises you make to yourself to become a better person by breaking bad habits and cultivating good ones might be easier to keep with the proper motivation of a tenuous employment situation.

Think about it. The top 10 resolutions Americans make every year just happen to be all about cutting back on food, cigarettes and booze; pinching pennies; spending more time at home; giving more volunteer time and going back to school. Getting more exercise should be the easiest, what with the price of gas about to start upward again, but finding a new job might be the one to work on first.


If there’s an upside to the current economy, it just might be in New Year’s resolutions. Those promises you make to yourself to become a better person by breaking bad habits and cultivating good ones might be easier to keep with the proper motivation of a tenuous employment situation.

Think about it. The top 10 resolutions Americans make every year just happen to be all about cutting back on food, cigarettes and booze; pinching pennies; spending more time at home; giving more volunteer time and going back to school. Getting more exercise should be the easiest, what with…

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