October 30, 2008

It’s all about showing up

It’s nice to be appreciated, and Northern Colorado obviously appreciates the attention being lavished on it by both presidential campaigns in search of the state’s nine electoral votes.

For the past four decades or so, our handful of votes have been considered a Republican gimme. Never before this year has a presidential candidate of either the red or blue persuasion taken the time to ask for our support in person.

Those days are gone, judging by the repeat appearances by candidates up and down the national tickets — and their spouses — during the month of October. And we’re all about returning the favor, turning out in record numbers from Greeley to Fort Collins, Denver to Loveland, Colorado Springs to Durango, Grand Junction to Pueblo, in arenas, parks, Ovals, sporting goods stores and pancake houses, to hear what they have to say firsthand.


Now, if we all remember to turn out in record numbers where it really matters — at the ballot box between now and 7 p.m. on Nov. 4 — they might remember us again in four years.

It’s nice to be appreciated, and Northern Colorado obviously appreciates the attention being lavished on it by both presidential campaigns in search of the state’s nine electoral votes.

For the past four decades or so, our handful of votes have been considered a Republican gimme. Never before this year has a presidential candidate of either the red or blue persuasion taken the time to ask for our support in person.

Those days are gone, judging by the repeat appearances by candidates up and down the national tickets — and their spouses — during the month of October. And we’re all about returning…

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