August 28, 2008

It’s all about being there

With the high drama in Denver that has been the Democratic National Convention ready to end on a high note tonight – and thrifty locals waiting to buy their historic souvenirs on Friday – I think we can say that so far the great state of Colorado has acquired a new national profile. Vestas even popped for a prime-time commercial on PBS!

Northern Colorado Dems are making a day of it today, filling a couple of buses with those lucky enough to have scored tickets to the speech in what Barack Obama to his everlasting credit called “Mile High Stadium” last night. I’m sure his people have already gotten a text message from the naming-rights enforcers at Invesco, who should be more worried that a 7 percent drop in profit for the second quarter shows up in the “win” column these days, but it’s all about respect for tradition.

The Mile High moniker is catching on.  See how many times you catch national newsheads call it by its proper name. I think I heard it on the CU-CSU debacle, too.


With the high drama in Denver that has been the Democratic National Convention ready to end on a high note tonight – and thrifty locals waiting to buy their historic souvenirs on Friday – I think we can say that so far the great state of Colorado has acquired a new national profile. Vestas even popped for a prime-time commercial on PBS!

Northern Colorado Dems are making a day of it today, filling a couple of buses with those lucky enough to have scored tickets to the speech in what Barack Obama…

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