April 19, 2002

Boulder County Business Hall of Fame Past Inductees

2001 Margaret “Meg” Hansson

Susan M. Pratt

Wayne Varra

Nancy West

Roy Young.

Past YearsAlonzo N. Allen

Anthony Arnett.

Bob Beauprez

Karl and Mabel Boehm

Steven K. Bosley

Thomas Brock

Charles G. Buckingham Walter A. Buckingham

Bob Charles

William E. Coleman

Edward G Deborski

Carol Deborski

William Henry Dickens

Stan Elmore

Tell and Theo Ertl

Vernon Golden

Carol Grever Gray

Bob Greenlee

Thomas S. Hendricks

I.K. “Ken” Hoyle

Tom & Caroline Hoyt

Joseph John Huddart

Wayne S. Jurgens

Jim Kanemoto

Rob and Carol Lathrop

Ed and Ruth Lehman

J.D. and Everett Long

Leonard Loukonen

Reino Loukonen

Andrew J. Macky

James P. Maxwell

Mary Elizabeth Miller

Gerry and Janet Morrell

Karen Mulholland

Lucius & A.A. Paddock

Virginia P. Patterson

Kenneth E. Pratt

Francis W. Reich

Walter Orr Roberts

John Sackett

Richard Salberg

Russell Shaffer

Harold H. Short

Mo Siegel

Marinus G. Smith

Fred L. Spallone

Richard Speaker Steele

John Jacob Steinbaugh

Bal Swan

Jack TerHar, Sr.

Ed Trumble

John W. Valentine

John B. Valentine

A.Everett Williams

George C. Williams

Kumiko Kate Yoshihara

2001 Margaret “Meg” Hansson

Susan M. Pratt

Wayne Varra

Nancy West

Roy Young.

Past YearsAlonzo N. Allen

Anthony Arnett.

Bob Beauprez

Karl and Mabel Boehm

Steven K. Bosley

Thomas Brock

Charles G. Buckingham Walter A. Buckingham

Bob Charles

William E. Coleman

Edward G Deborski

Carol Deborski

William Henry Dickens

Stan Elmore

Tell and Theo Ertl

Vernon Golden

Carol Grever Gray

Bob Greenlee

Thomas S. Hendricks

I.K. “Ken” Hoyle

Tom & Caroline Hoyt

Joseph John Huddart

Wayne S. Jurgens

Jim Kanemoto

Rob and Carol Lathrop

Ed and Ruth Lehman

J.D. and Everett Long

Leonard Loukonen

Reino Loukonen

Andrew J. Macky

James P. Maxwell

Mary Elizabeth Miller

Gerry and Janet Morrell

Karen Mulholland

Lucius & A.A. Paddock

Virginia P. Patterson

Kenneth E. Pratt

Francis W. Reich

Walter Orr Roberts

John Sackett

Richard Salberg

Russell Shaffer

Harold H. Short

Mo Siegel

Marinus G. Smith

Fred L. Spallone

Richard Speaker Steele

John Jacob…

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