April 21, 2000

Bookmarks: Web offers abundant investment help

Recently, there has been a flurry of articles that review the best Web sites for all aspects of online investing and financial planning. Forbes, Consumer Reports and Mutual Funds Magazine have jumped on the bandwagon as well. The list below is a compilation of each magazine’s recommendations.

“Best of the Web” (Forbes, Spring 2000, special issue)

Investing — Financial portals

* CEO Express (www.ceoexpress.com)

* Yahoo Finance (quote.yahoo.com)

* Excite (www.excite.com)

* Investorama (www.investorama.com)

* MSN MoneyCentral (investor.msn.com)

* Motley Fool (www.fool.com)

* Quicken (www.quicken.com)

* SmartMoney (www.smartmoney.com)

* Wall Street City (www.wallstreetcity.com)

* Forbes (www.forbes.com)

Investing — Brokers

* Charles Schwab (www.schwab.com)

* American Express Financial Direct (www.americanexpress.com/direct)

* Datek (www.datek.com)

* DLJDirect (www.dljdirect.com)

* E-Trade (www.etrade.com)

* Fidelity (www.fidelity.com)

* JB Oxford & Company (www.jboxford.com)

* Merrill Lynch Direct (www.mldirect.com)

* National Discount Brokers (www.ndb.com)

* Wingspan Bank (www.wingspan.com)

Investing — Research

* Multex Investor Network (www.multex.com)

* 10K Wizard (www.10kwizard.com)

* Best Calls (www.bestcalls.com)

* Clearstation (www.clearstation.com)

* Company Sleuth (www.companysleuth.com)

* Standard & Poor’s (www.personalwealth.com)

Investing — Newsletters

* Motley Fool (www.fool.com)

* FundAdvice (www.fundadvice.com)

* Low Priced Stock Survey (www.lowpricedstocks.com)

* MPT Review (www.mptreview.com)

* No Load Fundx (www.fundx.com)

* Spear Report (www.spearreport.com)

* Zacks Advisor (www.zacksadvisor.com)

Investing — Fund selection

* FundAlarm (www.fundalarm.com)

* Investment Discovery (www.investmentdiscovery.com)

* Morningstar (www.morningstar.com)

* MSN MoneyCentral (www.moneycentral.msn.com)

* Mutual Fund Investor’s Center (www.mfea.com)

* Personal Fund (www.personalfund.com)

* Forbes (www.forbes.com/funds)

Investing — International

* Worldlyinvestor (www.worldlyinvestor.com)

* CBS MarketWatch (www.cbsmarketwatch.com)

* China Online (www.chinaonline.com)

* Financial Times (www.ft.com)

* Intltrader (www.intltrader.com)

* Out There News (www.megastories.com)

* Thaistocks (www.thaistocks.com)

* UK Invest (www.uk-invest.com)

* World News (www.wn.com)

* Wright Investors (www.wisi.com)

* Forbes (www.forbes.com/forbesglobal)

Investing — Technology news

* CNET (www.news.com)

* E-Commerce Times (www.ecommercetimes.com)

* Electronics, Design, Technology and News Network (www.edtn.com)

* IDG.net (www.idg.net)

* Net Market Makers (www.netmarketmakers.com)

* Salon (www.salon.com)

* Slashdot (http://slashdot.org)

* Tasty Bits from the Technology Front (http://tbtf.com)

* ZDNet (www.zdnet.com)

* Forbes (www.forbes.com)

Investing — IPOs

* IPO (www.ipo.com)

* Alert-IPO! (www.ostman.com)

* IPO Central (www.ipocentral.com)

* IPOHome (www.ipohome.com)

* IPOSyndicate (www.iposyndicate.com)

Investing — AOL (subscription access only)

* Mutual Funds Center (keyword: mutual fund)

* Business News (keyword: business news)

* Investment Research (keyword: investment research)

* The Markets (keyword: markets)

* Message Boards (keyword: pf boards)

* My Portfolios (keyword: my portfolios)

* Personal Finance Live (keyword: pf live)

* Stock Games (keyword: stock game)

Financial planning

* Financial Engines (www.financialengines.com)

* 401Kafe (www.401kafe.com)

* Benefitslink (www.benefitslink.com)

* Financial Plan Auditors (www.fplanauditors.com)

* Quicken.com Retirement (www.quicken.com/retirement)

* S&P Personal Wealth (www.personalwealth.com)

* SmartMoney Retirement Strategy (www.smartmoney.com/ac/retirement)

* Tim Younkin (www.timyounkin.com)

* Vanguard Retirement Resource Center (http://majextic5.vanguard.com/RRC/DA)

“Mutual Funds” (Consumer Reports, March 2000)

Personal planning — Interactive worksheets and calculators

* 401Kafe (www.401kafe.com/tools/calc.html)

* Bloomberg (quote.bloomberg.com/tra/tra.cgi)

* FinanCenter (www.calcbuilder.com/cgi-bin/calcs/SAV3.cgi/FinanCenter)

* Securities and Exchange Commission (www.sec.gov/mfcc/mfcc-int.htm)

* SmartMoney (www.smartmoney.com/ac/401k/index.cfm?story=howmuch)

* Vanguard Group (http://majestic.vanguard.com/GUIDE/DA)

Fund research and screening tools

* Brill’s Mutual Fund Interactive (www.fundsinteractive.com)

* CBS MarketWatch (www.cbs.marketwatch.com)

* Fund Alarm (www.fundalarm.com)

* Investorwords (www.investorwords.com)

* Manhattan Analytics (www.manhattanlink.com)

* MSN MoneyCentral (www.moneycentral.msn.com)

* Money Magazine (www.pathfinder.com/money)

* Morningstar (www.morningstar.com)

* Standard & Poor’s (www.standardandpoors.com/onfunds)

Keeping track

* Motley Fool (www.fool.com)

* Mutual Fund Education Alliance (www.mfea.com)

* Quicken (www.quicken.com)

* Yahoo (http://finance.yahoo.com)

“Web Investing” (Mutual Funds Magazine, April 2000)

Top sites for stock investors

* Fidelity (www.fidelity.com)

* American Express (www.americanexpress.com/direct)

* Merrill Lynch (www.mldirect.ml.com)

* BUYandHOLD (www.buyandhold.com)

* MainStreet IPO (www.mainstreetipo.com)

* Open IPO (www.openipo.com)

Choosing an online broker

* Gomez Advisors Internet Brokers Scorecard (www.gomez.com)

* Discount Brokers Ranked (www.sonic.net/donaldj/brokers.html)

* Investor Guide (www.investorguide.com)

Top sites for fund investors

* Morningstar (www.morningstar.com)

* Brill (www.brill.com)

* FundAlarm (www.fundalarm.com)

* IndexFunds (www.indexfunds.com)

Top sites for financial planning

* DirectAdvice (www.directadvice.com)

* Quicken (www.quicken.com)

* SmartMoney (www.smartmoney.com)

* Vanguard (www.vanguard.com)

Jean Anderson is the business librarian for the Fort Collins Public Library. Suggestions for future columns are welcome: anderson@libsys.ci.fortcollins.co.us.


Recently, there has been a flurry of articles that review the best Web sites for all aspects of online investing and financial planning. Forbes, Consumer Reports and Mutual Funds Magazine have jumped on the bandwagon as well. The list below is a compilation of each magazine’s recommendations.

“Best of the Web” (Forbes, Spring 2000, special issue)

Investing — Financial portals

* CEO Express (www.ceoexpress.com)

* Yahoo Finance (quote.yahoo.com)

* Excite (www.excite.com)

* Investorama (www.investorama.com)

* MSN MoneyCentral (investor.msn.com)

* Motley Fool (www.fool.com)

* Quicken (www.quicken.com)

* SmartMoney (www.smartmoney.com)

* Wall Street City (www.wallstreetcity.com)

* Forbes (www.forbes.com)

Investing — Brokers

* Charles Schwab (www.schwab.com)

* American Express Financial Direct (www.americanexpress.com/direct)

* Datek (www.datek.com)

* DLJDirect (www.dljdirect.com)

* E-Trade…

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