Banking & Finance  January 19, 2017

High Plains Bank expanding branch building in Longmont

LONGMONT — High Plains Bank is planning to expand its branch bank at the northeast corner of 6th Avenue and Kimbark Street in Longmont.

The community bank, located at 600 Kimbark St., has demolished a 1,440-square-foot house built in 1947 that was next door at 606 Kimbark, the lot on the north side of the branch building. The bank bought the property in August for $355,000 and has since removed the house from the site.

John Creighton

The 1,500-square-foot, single-story addition will provide office and conference space. The project includes excavation for a basement of about 500 square feet that will be used for storage.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

High Plains Bank moved into the Longmont market in 2012 when it set up shop in the 3,778-square-foot branch at 600 Kimbark, one block east of Main Street.

John Creighton, president of High Plains Banking Group Inc., and president and chief executive of High Plains Bank, said the bank looked at other properties on which to expand but settled on its current location. “We love being downtown,” he said.

“The expansion isn’t urgent, but we will be needing more space as we continue to grow in Longmont,” Creighton said. “We could use 500 more square feet right now, but it wouldn’t be prudent to add just that. We are looking at this long term.”

Creighton said the time it takes to go through the city’s planning process will be used to study bids for the project so it can be done as cost-effective as possible.

Thomas Moore Architects of Longmont is designing the expansion and will replicate the exterior of the existing branch building. Moore also is managing the project through the city’s planning process on behalf of the bank.

High Plains Bank, founded in 1908 by the Creighton family as the Flagler State Bank, has operations in Flagler, Bennett and Wiggins, in addition to Longmont.

LONGMONT — High Plains Bank is planning to expand its branch bank at the northeast corner of 6th Avenue and Kimbark Street in Longmont.

The community bank, located at 600 Kimbark St., has demolished a 1,440-square-foot house built in 1947 that was next door at 606 Kimbark, the lot on the north side of the branch building. The bank bought the property in August for $355,000 and has since removed the house from the site.

John Creighton

The 1,500-square-foot, single-story addition will provide office and conference space. The project includes excavation…

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