Technology  March 29, 2017

Aerospace symposium to be held in Longmont April 19


LONGMONT — The Longmont Aerospace Symposium, scheduled for April 19, will feature the role businesses in Longmont play in the aerospace industry and specifically in getting to Mars.

The event is sponsored by EnerSys Advanced Systems and will feature some of the top industry leaders from across the country.


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A community and business update will take place from 5 to 7:30 p.m. at the Plaza Convention Center at 1850 Industrial Circle in Longmont.

Speakers from Orbital ATK, EnerSys Advanced Systems Lockheed Martin, Boeing and NASA will present on how Longmont can play a role in the aerospace industry.

The event is held in conjunction with Colorado Citizens for Space Exploration, Colorado Space Business Roundtable and the Longmont Economic Development Partnership. The event is open to the public.



LONGMONT — The Longmont Aerospace Symposium, scheduled for April 19, will feature the role businesses in Longmont play in the aerospace industry and specifically in getting to Mars.

The event is sponsored by EnerSys Advanced Systems and will feature some of the top industry leaders from across the country.

A community and business update will take place from 5 to 7:30 p.m. at the Plaza Convention Center at 1850 Industrial Circle in Longmont.

Speakers from Orbital ATK, EnerSys Advanced Systems Lockheed Martin, Boeing and NASA will present on how Longmont can play a role…

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