Country Inn sign

outside photo of the country Inn restaurant

The Country Inn at 1415 Eighth Ave., in Greeley, recently changed hands. Former owner George Gatsiopoulos ran the restaurant since 1983, but will remain on-site to advise new owner Peter Waldron. Sharon Dunn/BizWest

Sharon Dunn is an award-winning journalist covering business, banking, real estate, energy, local government and crime in Northern Colorado since 1994. She began her journalism career in Alaska after graduating Metropolitan State College in Denver in 1992. She found her way back to Colorado, where she worked at the Greeley Tribune for 25 years. She has a master's degree in communications management from the University of Denver. She is married and has one grown daughter — and a beloved English pointer at her side while she writes. When not writing, you may find her enjoying embroidery and crochet projects, watching football, or kayaking and birdwatching on a high-mountain lake.
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