Manufacturing  May 6, 2021

Orbea moving U.S. headquarters to Boulder

BOULDER — Bicycle and biking accessory manufacturer Orbea USA LLC, the American subsidiary of a Spanish brand, is moving its U.S. headquarters from Little Rock, Arkansas, to Boulder this month.

The company plans to be fully moved into its new offices at 4820 63rd St. in the Gunbarrel neighborhood by June, according to an Orbea news release. 

Orbea’s U.S. operations have been in Little Rock for 15 years. 


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

“We believe that Boulder’s incredible cycling culture and progressive landscape align perfectly with our goals as a brand and a company,” U.S. general manager Nick Howe said in the release. “Moving here puts us in the position to take our customer and dealer experience in the USA to the next level.” 

Orbea touted Boulder’s talent pool and support of “environmentally-conscious businesses and progressive-minded organizations” as factors in the decision to relocate. 

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BOULDER — Bicycle and biking accessory manufacturer Orbea USA LLC, the American subsidiary of a Spanish brand, is moving its U.S. headquarters from Little Rock, Arkansas, to Boulder this month.

The company plans to be fully moved into its new offices at 4820 63rd St. in the Gunbarrel neighborhood by June, according to an Orbea news release. 

Orbea’s U.S. operations have been in Little Rock for 15 years. 

“We believe that Boulder’s incredible cycling culture and progressive landscape align perfectly with our goals as a brand and a company,” U.S. general manager Nick Howe said in the release. “Moving here puts us in…

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