Energy, Utilities & Water  August 29, 2019

COGCC, Weld County agree on 60-day permitting timeframe

DENVER  — Weld County officials and the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission have signed an agreement to review drilling applications within 60 days.

According to a draft memorandum of understanding from the state commission, the two groups agreed to process every drilling permit filed in the county within the time period, and COGCC will process 1041 WOGLA permits from the county within 28 days of submission.

The agreement only applies to drilling permits for unincorporated parts of the county that were submitted after Aug. 5. The agency still has final authority over approving or denying drilling activity.


DENVER  — Weld County officials and the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission have signed an agreement to review drilling applications within 60 days.

According to a draft memorandum of understanding from the state commission, the two groups agreed to process every drilling permit filed in the county within the time period, and COGCC will process 1041 WOGLA permits from the county within 28 days of submission.

The agreement only applies to drilling permits for unincorporated parts of the county that were submitted after Aug. 5. The agency still has final authority over approving or denying…

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