Energy, Utilities & Water  March 19, 2019

DMC declares dividend

BOULDER — DMC Global Inc. (Nasdaq: BOOM) declared a quarterly cash dividend of 2 cents per share. The dividend is payable on April 16 to shareholders of record as of March 31.

The company operates in two sectors: oilfield products and services, and industrial infrastructure. The oilfield products and services sector is served by DynaEnergetics, while the industrial infrastructure sector is served by its NobelClad business. DynaEnergetics is an international developer, manufacturer and marketer of advanced explosive components and systems used to perforate oil and gas wells. NobelClad is the world’s largest manufacturer of explosion-welded clad metal plates, used to fabricate capital equipment in industrial sectors.

Last month DMC posted net earnings of $1.02 per share for the fourth quarter of 2018, a significant increase over the same period a year prior, when the company recorded a net loss of 13 cents per share.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

The Boulder-based company had net income of nearly $15.3 million for the period ended Dec. 31. It’s an improvement on the fourth quarter of 2017, when the company had a loss of more than $1.9 million.

BOULDER — DMC Global Inc. (Nasdaq: BOOM) declared a quarterly cash dividend of 2 cents per share. The dividend is payable on April 16 to shareholders of record as of March 31.

The company operates in two sectors: oilfield products and services, and industrial infrastructure. The oilfield products and services sector is served by DynaEnergetics, while the industrial infrastructure sector is served by its NobelClad business. DynaEnergetics is an international developer, manufacturer and marketer of advanced explosive components and systems used to perforate oil and gas wells. NobelClad is the world’s largest manufacturer of explosion-welded…

Lucas High
A Maryland native, Lucas has worked at news agencies from Wyoming to South Carolina before putting roots down in Colorado.
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