Advertising, Marketing & PR  August 13, 2018

Coworking space with Boulder, Denver offices rebrands

BOULDER — Level Office, the co-working company that has major locations in Boulder and Denver, has rebranded to Novel Coworking.

“As a company, we’ve grown from 1 to 23 locations nationwide, and over time we’ve come to realize that our narrative isn’t just our own — It’s comprised of the thousands of unique stories of our clients,” said Bill Bennett, the company’s founder, in a prepared statement. “In fact, the constant flow of innovative clients into our space means our identity is always novel.”

Although the name has changed, leadership will stay the same at Novel. The company is headquartered in Chicago.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

In January, the company purchased a three-story building at 1495 Canyon Blvd. in downtown Boulder. It was its second location in Colorado.


BOULDER — Level Office, the co-working company that has major locations in Boulder and Denver, has rebranded to Novel Coworking.

“As a company, we’ve grown from 1 to 23 locations nationwide, and over time we’ve come to realize that our narrative isn’t just our own — It’s comprised of the thousands of unique stories of our clients,” said Bill Bennett, the company’s founder, in a prepared statement. “In fact, the constant flow of innovative clients into our space means our identity is always novel.”

Although the name has changed, leadership will stay the same at…

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