Entrepreneurs / Small Business  January 27, 2017

Left Hand Brewing, Birrificio Italiano trade brewers

LONGMONT — Left Hand Brewing Co. in Longmont is partnering with a brewery in Italy to exchange brewers for three months to learn about each other’s operations.

The exchange, which began in January and will continue through March, sent Francesca Guzzetti of Birrificio Italiano to Longmont and Henry Myers of Left Hand Brewing to Northern Italy.

Left Hand and Birrificio Italiano’s respective founders — Eric Wallace and Agostino Arioli — describe the exchange as a “Sharevolution.”

“Our partnership with Birrificio Italiano goes beyond the exchange of knowledge, opening the door for continued collaboration in a number of different ways, on both sides of the Atlantic, by learning from each other and in furthering independent craft brewers’ efforts to make the world a better place by expanding the reach of great beer,” Wallace said in a prepared statement.

Left Hand distributes beer in eight countries outside the United States and has additional markets in development, the company said.


LONGMONT — Left Hand Brewing Co. in Longmont is partnering with a brewery in Italy to exchange brewers for three months to learn about each other’s operations.

The exchange, which began in January and will continue through March, sent Francesca Guzzetti of Birrificio Italiano to Longmont and Henry Myers of Left Hand Brewing to Northern Italy.

Left Hand and Birrificio Italiano’s respective founders — Eric Wallace and Agostino Arioli — describe the exchange as a “Sharevolution.”

“Our partnership with Birrificio Italiano goes beyond the exchange of knowledge, opening the door for continued collaboration in a…

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