Economy & Economic Development  November 5, 2014

Global Trade cites Erie’s skilled workforce

ERIE – Global Trade magazine has named Erie among the 10 best cities in the nation for a skilled workforce, the publication said Wednesday.

Global Trade recognized Erie for its college-educated workforce and projected population growth as highlights of the town’s skilled workforce. It also pointed to Erie’s proximity to companies such as IBM (NYSE: IBM) in Boulder and institutions such as the University of Colorado Boulder.

Nearly 56 percent of Erie residents have college degrees, about twice the national average, according to the magazine. Erie’s population also is projected to double by 2025.


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“This town may be small but its residents bring with them some big numbers,” according to the magazine.

Erie has tried to boost its economic-development profile since hiring an economic-development coordinator two years ago. Many of the town’s residents commute outside its borders for work.

“The goal of the Erie Economic Development Council and the town of Erie is to attract businesses to the community so the residents don’t have to leave to find employment and the employers can find their workforce very close,” said Paula Mehle, the town’s economic-development coordinator.

Global Trade also ranked La Junta as having one of the 10 best business environments and Denver among the top 10 in site-selection assistance. The magazine named 100 cities in 10 categories as places to do business.

“Think of this as a collection of helpful tips,” reads the magazine. “We think you should consider these cities when looking, for instance, for a great business environment, a well-educated or skilled workforce, a globally minded city or assistance with your site-selection process.”

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ERIE – Global Trade magazine has named Erie among the 10 best cities in the nation for a skilled workforce, the publication said Wednesday.

Global Trade recognized Erie for its college-educated workforce and projected population growth as highlights of the town’s skilled workforce. It also pointed to Erie’s proximity to companies such as IBM (NYSE: IBM) in Boulder and institutions such as the University of Colorado Boulder.

Nearly 56 percent of Erie residents have college degrees, about twice the national average, according to the magazine. Erie’s population also is projected to double by 2025.

“This town may be small but its residents bring…

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