ARCHIVED  November 1, 1996

Poudre Valley’s Michael Marini tells it like it is

FORT COLLINS – What is surprising about Mike Marini, Poudre Valley Hospital’s new CEO, is that he will discard wordy explanations to diagram a concept with pen and paper, using your pen and paper.”This is Medicare risk,´ said the former president and CEO of NorthBay Hospital, Fairfield, Calif. He wrote, “$340, slash 20 percent Ins., $270, “Politics!” he said as he wrote.
It’s an issue he’s been working with a long time. Over a 14-year tenure at the not-for-profit NorthBay Hospital, his key achievements include creation of an HMO that serves the county and the merger of a major medical group of 47 physicians with the NorthBay system. He also implemented a cost-reduction program that resulted in $2.6 million in operational savings for the system. He became president of NorthBay Hospital Group in 1990.
Poudre Valley Hospital’s new president, Rulon Stacey, who began work in October, did his residency with Marini at NorthBay Hospital. “I mentored him for a year,” Marini said. Marini, who hired Stacey for the position, said that Stacey is an “energetic executive.”
Marini said he likes Colorado and will probably buy a home in Fort Collins as soon as he sells his home in California. He plans to try snow shoeing this winter, and, if the opportunity comes up, see a little fireplace action in a mountain ski lodge. Marini has a wife, Elaine, and a 13-year-old son, Logan.
Stacey will manage and direct all the daily operations of the hospital, filling a position left vacant in February with the resignation of Karna Kruckenberg Schofer. He worked as CEO of St. Francis Hospital and Health Center in southwest Chicago since 1994. Prior to that, he worked in Leadville from 1989 to 1994.ÿ

FORT COLLINS – What is surprising about Mike Marini, Poudre Valley Hospital’s new CEO, is that he will discard wordy explanations to diagram a concept with pen and paper, using your pen and paper.”This is Medicare risk,´ said the former president and CEO of NorthBay Hospital, Fairfield, Calif. He wrote, “$340, slash 20 percent Ins., $270, “Politics!” he said as he wrote.
It’s an issue he’s been working with a long time. Over a…


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