May 18, 2012

New-vehicle registrations surged in April

New-vehicle registrations in the state were up 29 percent in April vs. the same month last year, the Colorado Automobile Dealers Association said Friday.

Year-to-date registrations saw a 21-percent jump, outpacing the 6.4-percent rise in the U.S. market, the association said.

The results were reported in the April 2012 Colorado Auto Outlook Report issued by the association, a Denver-based with membership of 245 new car and truck dealers.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

“The Colorado auto industry may be on track for its best year since 2007,” association President Tim Jackson said. “We’re seeing the combination of growing consumer confidence, affordable and more accessible financing, popular new models and consumers whose cars and trucks are just getting old.”

Statewide, more than 46,600 new vehicles were registered from January to April vs. about 38,500 during the same period last year.

The used-vehicle market, which the association defines as vevhicles seven years old or newer, saw a 7.4 increase.

The major brands with the most significant increase in sales this year were Chrysler, Jeep, Mercedes, Dodge and Volkswagen.

New-vehicle registrations in the state were up 29 percent in April vs. the same month last year, the Colorado Automobile Dealers Association said Friday.

Year-to-date registrations saw a 21-percent jump, outpacing the 6.4-percent rise in the U.S. market, the association said.

The results were reported in the April 2012 Colorado Auto Outlook Report issued by the association, a Denver-based with membership of 245 new car and truck dealers.

“The Colorado auto industry may be on track for its best year since 2007,” association President Tim Jackson said. “We’re seeing the combination of growing consumer confidence, affordable and more accessible financing,…

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