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Luke Brough

Colorado Youth Outdoors names first Northeastern Colorado Regional Executive Director


Colorado Youth Outdoors, Promotion

CYO selects Luke Brough to lead its Fort Collins campus. “A Regional Executive Director role begins and ends with Leadership,” said CEO Bob Hewson.  “We were very fortunate to promote Luke to serve in the new role of Executive Director as leadership is one of Luke’s natural talents.

Brough joined the nonprofit in April 2023 as Facilities Director for its 220-acre Fort Collins campus. “Projects that have been on our books for years have either been completed or have detailed plans for completion with Luke’s lead,” explained Hewson. “His passion for the mission of CYO – and his determination to find ways to grow this organization’s presence – makes Luke the perfect fit.” 

Luke’s priorities are to build stronger parent-teen bonds through CYO’s programming.  “Outdoor recreation has enhanced all of my relationships and I’m thrilled CYO makes the great outdoors accessible to all,” Luke explained.

CYO selects Luke Brough to lead its Fort Collins campus. “A Regional Executive Director role begins and ends with Leadership,” said CEO Bob Hewson.  “We were very fortunate to promote Luke to serve in the new role of Executive Director as leadership is one of Luke’s natural talents.

Brough joined the nonprofit in April 2023 as Facilities Director for its 220-acre Fort Collins campus. “Projects that have been on our books for years have either been completed or have detailed plans for completion with Luke’s lead,” explained Hewson. “His passion for the mission of CYO – and his determination to find…

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