Transportation  May 9, 2018

RTD plans meetings on bus service between Boulder, Longmont

The Regional Transportation District is holding public meetings May 23 and May 24 on the progress toward implementing Bus Rapid Transit service on Colorado Highway 119, between and within the cities of Boulder and Longmont.

The meetings, which are open to the public, will seek input and provide an update on the process. A consultant team, led by Parsons Transportation Group, is evaluating alternatives to the growing congestion and travel demand in the corridor as well as environmental impacts, multimodal access, transit reliability and corridor transit travel time.

This project advances one of the recommendations from the Northwest Area Mobility Study, which was completed by RTD in 2014. NAMS developed consensus among northwest area stakeholders, the Colorado Department of Transportation and RTD to implement mobility improvements until the Northwest Rail Line to Longmont can be built.  


Wednesday, May 23, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Longmont Public Library, meeting rooms A & B., 409 4th Ave.


Thursday, May 24, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., University of Colorado Village Center Dining and Community Commons Room 114 (Multipurpose Room), enter through the side entrance (southwest corner of building) by the Village Center sign, near Visitors Lot 618, 500 30th St.

A presentation will be given each evening at 6 p.m. with time prior to and after to view materials and ask questions. Both meetings will cover the same information.

For more information about the State Highway 119 BRT project, visit


The Regional Transportation District is holding public meetings May 23 and May 24 on the progress toward implementing Bus Rapid Transit service on Colorado Highway 119, between and within the cities of Boulder and Longmont.

The meetings, which are open to the public, will seek input and provide an update on the process. A consultant team, led by Parsons Transportation Group, is evaluating alternatives to the growing congestion and travel demand in the corridor as well as environmental impacts, multimodal access, transit reliability and corridor transit travel time.

This project advances one of the recommendations from…

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