October 24, 2011

The Road to Success

Mahatma Ghandi once said, “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

These words can bring comfort and confidence to those of us facing career transitions. If you are chasing a dream, you need to know that there will be some people who will turn their heads away. They will not be interested in what you are doing. They will doubt your abilities.

If you keep chasing your dream some people may actually laugh at you. You could be the brunt of jokes and ridicule. Who do you think you are to take such risks?

When they see you are serious, they may even try to stop your forward motion. You will face obstacles and adversity from all directions.

If you continue to push past the problems and move forward in the direction of your dreams, eventually you will win. Keep going. In the end, you will have the last laugh.

Mahatma Ghandi once said, “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

These words can bring comfort and confidence to those of us facing career transitions. If you are chasing a dream, you need to know that there will be some people who will turn their heads away. They will not be interested in what you are doing. They will doubt your abilities.

If you keep chasing your dream some people may actually laugh at you. You could be the brunt of jokes and ridicule. Who do you think you are to take…

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