It’s all about experience
To quote a revered Republican statesman, “Well, there you go again.”
Did the campaign geniuses really miss the very first impression presented by Sarah Palin standing next to John McCain? Two words: Trophy wife.
As a member of the demographic so colorfully described as the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pantsuit, that’s at the top of the list of Things We’d Rather Not See in the White House. Many of us have been there, done that, and have the attorneys’ bills to prove it.
Were there no experienced Republican women available? Five sitting Cabinet members, including Condi Rice who obviously knows her way around the international scene, will be out of a job in November. Colorado’s own Gale Norton and Ann Veneman, both trained lawyers as well as former Cabinet members, are at loose ends these days, as is well-known maverick and former governor Christine Todd Whitman. Heck, I even suspect that Rep. Marilyn Musgrave might prefer a shot at veep over what promises to be a bruising battle for the Fourth District seat here in Northern Colorado.
Oh, wait, yeah — they don’t have a Vogue spread on their resumes, do they? Or, for that matter, an open ethics investigation against them.
If the choice of Palin was all about attracting disaffected Hillarians, I’d call this a swing — and a miss.
To quote a revered Republican statesman, “Well, there you go again.”
Did the campaign geniuses really miss the very first impression presented by Sarah Palin standing next to John McCain? Two words: Trophy wife.
As a member of the demographic so colorfully described as the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pantsuit, that’s at the top of the list of Things We’d Rather Not See in the White House. Many of us have been there, done that, and have the attorneys’ bills to prove it.
Were there no experienced Republican women available? Five sitting Cabinet members, including Condi Rice who obviously knows…
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