October 22, 2010

For real improvement, don’t change – learn

I am so tired of the word “change.” It is worn out and we have so much baggage around it. When you say “change,” everyone’s jaw tightens and we all prepare for battle – because we don’t want to change. We like routine and predictability.

There are organizational disciplines that focus on managing the process of change. In fact, I do organizational change management for a living. Sometimes the process of change management is called innovation, sometimes process improvement or implementation. It all boils down to one concept: change.

What if we replaced the word “change” with the word “learning”?

Learning is much more positive than change. Learning is proactive and indicates that we know what we want to achieve with new ideas, skills and abilities.

What a way to think about today’s world of uncertainty. We should move into a frame of mind that is focused on learning and growing. Learning is about new experiences, new realities, and new relationships in addition to what we already do.

Let’s explore the unique opportunity we have to update our thinking from “change” to “learning.”

The thought of change requires effort and work. It implies abandoning what we are doing and starting over as opposed to improving through learning. We change or correct the spelling of words, we correct or change errors, and we fix or change things that are broken. When you look at change from this perspective, I’m not sure that “change” should be applied to human beings. We are not machines or mechanical devices. We are natural, like trees – we grow and mature over time.

Change is about opposition, replacement, and resistance. Learning is about growth, re-invention, and new ideas. Learning is one way to re-create ourselves. Learning means that we will have a new skill or capability that we did not have before. This is exactly what we are trying to accomplish with all manner of change efforts.

The bottom line is that all sustainable growth comes from learning. Human beings don’t change until they learn something that makes the disruption brought about by the change worthwhile. I have never worked on a project where individuals agreed to use a new system, implement new software, or follow a new procedure until they saw a beneficial reason to make the change. If you don’t believe in the “change” you create workarounds as a façade that you are actually using the new process. Resistance to change wastes productive energy.

Completely different mindset

When we begin to learn, a completely different mindset is at work. Learning is exciting because we are curious and interested in finding new ways to be successful. Creating a learning environment also means that we will behave differently with each other. Learning is a collaborative activity. We learn from others in the workplace, in our personal lives, and when we explore new hobbies or pastimes.

Whether working together on a project, creating and managing a formal project plan, or building a shared vision of the future, learning is a key to making it work. My experience shows that every sustainable change is based on new information or learning.

Learning is a creative way that we re-invent ourselves and, ultimately, our organizations. Let’s think of a progression of learning stages. Learning progresses from adaptation to generative learning. Often, we learn in order to adapt to a new reality. Taking personal initiative creates generative learning. Generative is a word that indicates imaginative, ingenious, and inventive learning. There has never been a better time to create opportunities based upon taking the initiative to learn.

Try on the possibility of replacing the word “change” with the word “learning.” First, modify your speech. Make a conscious effort to say “learning” whenever you think “change.” As you make the switch in your speech, observe the kind of responses you get back. Are the responses more positive? Are the responses more creative?

Next, discuss learning in the areas of the organization where you have influence. Talk to your subordinates, talk to your manager and your customers. Don’t ask prospective customers to “change” for your product, ask them to “learn” as a result of using your product. You should be able to demonstrate to a prospect how your product will create better results by learning how to create new opportunities.

Let’s start a revolution in thinking. The concept of learning is positive and creative. Learning is dynamic, productive and constructive. Give it a try and see how the world around you transforms.

Give up changing and begin learning.

Shirley Esterly is a master facilitator and systems thinker who works with clients to build sustainable business practices. She can be reached at sae@quantumwest.com.

I am so tired of the word “change.” It is worn out and we have so much baggage around it. When you say “change,” everyone’s jaw tightens and we all prepare for battle – because we don’t want to change. We like routine and predictability.

There are organizational disciplines that focus on managing the process of change. In fact, I do organizational change management for a living. Sometimes the process of change management is called innovation, sometimes process improvement or implementation. It all boils down to one concept: change.

What if we replaced the word “change” with the word “learning”?

Learning is…

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