Women in Business  August 29, 2024

2024 Women of Distinction – Tanya Alcaraz

2024 Women of Distinction Honoree – Education

Director of Career and Innovation
Poudre School District

What’s your proudest moment either personally or professionally?

My proudest moment has been becoming a mom.  Watching my daughters Avery and Taylor grow, learn, and develop into strong caring young women fills me with immense pride. Now that they are in high school, I love watching them find their sense of purpose and supporting them in achieving their goals and dreams.

How do you like to unwind?

Being social, traveling and experiencing new things fills my bucket.  Sharing a meal, engaging in meaningful conversations, and laughing together is one of my favorite ways to unwind and and connect with friends and family.

Who is your mentor or role model?

My role model is my mom.  My mom, Mary is the most generous, thoughtful and encouraging woman I know.  Her unwavering support and belief in me gave me the confidence to be myself.  Her motto is Life is Good and she embodies it in all aspects of her life. 


What’s ahead for you personally or professionally?

Personally, I am looking forward to watching my girls grow and supporting them in achieving their dreams.  Professionally, I am excited to continue developing opportunities and programs in Poudre School District that support our students in achieving their dreams.

Click to view all of the 2024 Women of Distinction honorees.

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