Nonprofits  July 14, 2017

NEA awards grants to arts groups in Lafayette, Boulder

The National Endowment for the Arts awarded monetary grants to arts organizations in Boulder and Lafayette as part of the national organization’s Our Town program. The Lafayette Arts and Cultural Resources Department received a $50,000 grant to enhance programming at The Collective Art Center. The National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts in Boulder received $25,000, the Colorado Music Festival in Boulder received $20,000 and EcoArts in Boulder received $15,000.

The National Endowment for the Arts awarded monetary grants to arts organizations in Boulder and Lafayette as part of the national organization’s Our Town program. The Lafayette Arts and Cultural Resources Department received a $50,000 grant to enhance programming at The Collective Art Center. The National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts in Boulder received $25,000, the Colorado Music Festival in Boulder received $20,000 and EcoArts in Boulder received $15,000.

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